Dobrý den, poradíte, co před dům na sídlišti? Z jedné strany domu jsem udělala skalku, ale ráda bych rozšířila záhonek před domem. Zatím tam je pouze šlechtěný rozrazil a ještě jedna modře kvetoucí rostlina, tak bych uvítala jinou barvu květů. Důležité je, že záhon je v místě, kde se v zimě odhazuje sníh, tak hledám květiny, které se ostříhají až do vytracena a na jaře zas vyraší, nebo takové, kterým by to nevadilo. Slunce tam svítí v létě od cca půl druhé odpoledne až do západu. Díky za vaše tipy! :wink:
Díky :-) Já myslela trvalky přímo do země, záhon je podél chodníku ke vstupu do domu, proto řeším ten sníh. Je jasné, že se bude odhazovat přímo na kytky, proto hledám něco, co se pod tím nepoláme, ideálně, když se na podzim úplně ztratí a na jaře vypučí znova. Každý rok sadit nové určitě nechci :-) A zároveň něco, co nevyžaduje přílišnou péči. Durman raději ne, v okolí žije hodně dětí, sama mám dvě malé. Zatím jsem tam nacpala nějaké cibuloviny(narcisy,tulipány, okrasný česnek), ale chtěla bych i něco, co kvete v pozdějším létě a na podzim.
Já jsem dávala k paneláku bohyšku,kosatce,lilie žluté i růže,ty se na podzim ostříhaj a zimu přežijí,taky jsme dávali pivoně,okrasné keře,všechno možné a taky skalničky,ty tam vždycky zůstanou,zkuste to :lol: :lol: :lol:
Děkuju! Něco z toho tam nasadím – snad to nikdo neorve :roll: Co jsem zatím vysadila, nechali na pokoji :-)
Ale ty skalničky má tady pani a jsou v létě strašně hezké a celej ten pruh má zarostlej,vypadá to úžasně,když tam je tolik barev,tak ať se vám daří :potlesk: :potlesk:
Maličkou skalku jsem založila letos z druhé strany domu, jsem zvědavá, jak bude vypadat příští sezonu. Snad bude taky hezky barevná, líbilo by se mi, aby na ní pořád něco kvetlo, ale teprve sbírám zkušenosti :wink:
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To activate a Disney Plus subscription or redeem a code, you typically need to visit the website or use the Disney Plus app and follow the instructions provided during the activation or subscription process.
To activate a Disney Plus subscription or redeem a code, you typically need to visit the [url=][/url] website or use the Disney Plus app and follow the instructions provided during the activation or subscription process.
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Go to the official website of the Vanilla Gift card. On the website, you'll typically find a section to check your [url=]vanilla gift card balance[/url]. You'll need to enter the card number and the card's expiration date, which are usually printed on the front of the card.
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Quicken is a widely-used personal finance management software that helps individuals and small businesses track their finances, manage budgets, pay bills, and plan for the future. Visit the official website or access the platform through reputable software download platforms.
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Brother printer drivers are software programs that facilitate communication between a computer and a Brother printer. These drivers act as intermediaries, translating data from the computer into a format that the printer can understand and execute. To download Brother printer drivers, Go to the official website.
A device driver is a piece of software designed to help your machine communicate with your mobile device or computer. Brother drivers allow your Brother printer, label maker, or sewing machine to talk directly with your device.Go to the official…versmac/home website and navigate to the support section.
Brother printer drivers enable your computer to send print jobs to the printer and configure various print settings. Without the appropriate drivers installed, your computer may not recognize or be able to communicate effectively with your Brother printer. Click on the link to initiate the download.
Brother printer drivers are integral software components that establish seamless communication between your computer and your Brother printer, facilitating the precise printing of documents and images. These drivers are designed to support a wide range of Brother printer models across various operating systems, ensuring compatibility and versatility. Go to the official website's support section.
Setting up a Brother wireless Wi-Fi printer can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it becomes straightforward and hassle-free. This will take you to the official support website.
„“ is website to help people set up their Brother printers easily. It provides instructions, software downloads, and troubleshooting tips. Visit the website to download the latest drivers for your printer model.
Setting up a Brother wireless Wi-Fi printer can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it becomes straightforward and hassle-free.Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.Go to…brother-com/ to access the official Brother printer setup page.
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To obtain a Best Buy credit card, visit the website or a Best Buy store, and choose the type of card that aligns with your needs.…linkphoneqr/ is a software that helps you easily connect your mobile device, like Surface Duo, to your PC. Once connected, you can do so much more! You can smoothly transfer stuff between your phone and PC, and even use your phone apps on your computer hassle-free. It's all about making your devices work together seamlessly.…linkphoneqr/ is a software that helps you easily connect your mobile device, like Surface Duo, to your PC. Once connected, you can do so much more! You can smoothly transfer stuff between your phone and PC, and even use your phone apps on your computer hassle-free. It's all about making your devices work together seamlessly. can connect with Android devices over Wi-Fi, mobile data networks and instant hotspots. For an effortless Wi-Fi experience, ensure both devices are close, turned on, and connected to the same network. Once online, both will allow accessing its functionalities from their respective PCs; most Android users should download and install Link to Windows from Google Play Store to take full advantage of its benefits.
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To connect a Canon printer to a smartphone or tablet, start by ensuring that your Canon printer supports mobile printing, which is common in most modern models. Next, download and install the Canon printer by now. is the website provided by Canon for users to set up, install, and manage their Canon printers and multifunction devices. It serves as a centralized platform to access various resources, tools, and services related to Canon printers.…rtcanon-com/ is the website provided by Canon for users to set up, configure, and manage their Canon printers and multifunction devices. It's a dedicated website where users can find various resources and tools tailored to their Canon printer model. is the website provided by Canon to assist users with the setup and management of their Canon printers and multifunction devices. It serves as a central hub for accessing various resources, tools, and services related to Canon printers. is Canon's website designed to assist users with various aspects of their Canon printers and multifunction devices. This website serves as a comprehensive hub where users can find a wide range of resources, tools, and services tailored to their specific Canon printer model.
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